Going Natural? 5 MUST Followed Commandments!

going natural hair styles

Going natural can be challeging as some women have never experience their natural hair and don’t know their hair type and proper care that pertains to it. If you were on a healthy hair journey prior to going natural, you have an advange as the same concepts (condition, moisturize, and protect) are used to take hair of both chemicaly treated and natural hair. Believe it or not chemically treated hair needs more tlc as it has been broken down. Natural hair requires more moisture as African American hair is dry. We made things easier by coming up with 5 steps to beautiful, natural locks.

Going Natural Steps / Tips / Tutorial

These easy 5 MUST followed going Natural Commandments will make your transition much easier.

1. Manage Your Mane

Condition, Moisturize, and Trim

Going natural requires a little bit of conditioning work. It is very important to deep condition your mane regularly as dry hair can lead to breakage. Find a staple moisture and protein based conditioner and use it regularly. Nourished and conditioned hair has more shine and elasticity hence is healthier, longer hair. For healthy hair, moisturizing regularly is a must. Moisturizing correctly is even more important. Some women use the LOC method to moisturize: Liquid follow by an Oil then a Cream (LOC).

You have to find and do what’s best for your hair. Whatever you do, always seal in the moisture with an oil or butter. Trimming is mandatory as split ends can travel to the hair shaft and cause further damage. The frequency of your trims depends on many factors such as the health of your ends, frequency of heat utilization, protective styling and so forth. By conditioning weekly, moisturizing daily and trimming when necessary your going natural transition will be that much easier.

2. Choose Protective Styles

Tuck your ends away as much as possible. Try braids, sew-ins, twists and coils to avoid friction of daily combing, brushing, and pillow cases and so forth to speed up going natural.

3. Change Your Shampoo

Change your current shampoo for a creamy, natural and organic, sulfate-free shampoo. Your current shampoo contains harmful ingredients which cause dryness and breakage and not good for going natural progression.

4. Jump In 100%

This isn’t about anyone else but you. If its something you want to do? Go for it! Stick to it!

“Some think natural hair could hurt their career or love life; others think you are political or spiritual.”_Christ-Tia E. Donaldson.

5. Straighen On Occasion

Frequent straightening will damage your hair and alter your curl pattern. You will end up with stringy curls; Some part of the hair straight; some part of the hair curly. Try to stay away from heat. When using heat always deep condition first and use a heat protectant.

Related: 5  Shaved Natural Hairstyles Trending for Black Women

Going Natural From Relaxed Hair Video

Video Source: NaturallyNellzy

Have you gone natural recently or planning on going natural? Please share your experience or proccess with our readers on the comment section below. Also follow TrendingHairStyles on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!